AmphiStar offers a portfolio of locally sourced biosurfactants to companies seeking to develop sustainable, performant & affordable products
AmphiStar offers a portfolio of locally produced microbial biosurfactants to companies seeking to develop sustainable, performant & affordable products with surfactants as important performance ingredients. AmphiStars’ surfactants are not linked to fossil feedstocks, direct land use or deforestation and offer a sustainable alternative to companies in the home- and personal care sector, but also to other sectors applying surfactants such as the agro-, food-, feed-, industrials,… sectors. The surfactant market is huge (20 million tonnes produced each year) which are mainly produced from fossil- and palm feedstocks through classic chemistry. AmphiStar offers a game changing technology using biobased (waste) feedstocks and biological and mild processing to produce a range of sustainable biosurfactants.
AmphiStar is the first company to produce and offer sophorolipid products which are 100% sourced from biobased waste- and side streams to the market. This is AmphiStars first go-to-market product, which was recently showcased in the “Too Good to Waste” Ecover consumer cleaning products ( These first products will be followed by other microbial biosurfactants from our product portfolio. As such AmphiStar aims to make biosurfactants mainstream.
Axithra is developing new technology for accurate drug concentrations in blood.